My wife woke me this morning as she was having her hair cut, she got my wash bowl and told me it was time to get up. I really didn’t want to, it was a little chilly this morning especially when she pulled the duvet and the sheet off of me. Really, what is that all about. Did I mention it was chilly, very unfair and I was so adamant that I wanted ten more minutes I tried to cover myself with a pillow. Keeping in mind that I am a similar size now to a humpback whale, and that I’m sure that I am only allowed a powered wheelchair because I had passed an HGV test, this was not an easy task. That’s actually a lie, it was impossible. So, after having my wife laugh at me, (no, not for that even though I said it was cold), I admitted defeat and raised the back of my bed to enable me to sit up. Washed and dressed, I got up and had the medication and a bit of breakfast ready for the day.
My youngest daughter had dress up day today at nursery. Last night I stopped off in Asda on the way home from T.A and bought her a play dress. This morning she came running in to my room shouting “Daddy, look, Princess. Thank you Daddy”. She looked lovely and was so excited about going to nursery. I lost count of the amount of times she shouted “Bye Daddy” on the way out of the door, beaming from ear to ear.
Today is Wednesday, what I try to do is meet up with my friend and then we have in the past, taken my powered wheelchair to Ilminster via the cycle path for a drink. Today however we took my manual wheelchair. It is approximately five miles from my bungalow to the Stonemasons in Ilminster which is where we go for a drink, I have gone once before in my manual chair and it took about one and three quarter hours. Today, we got there in one hour twenty minutes. I did have a couple of places where I was pushed because my arms were burning, but on the whole, I managed it. When we got to the pub, I thought I was going to pass out. I was definitely light headed, saw the lovely white dots in front of my eyes and just felt like poop. Think I may have overdone it a bit, so I had a meal and a drink. I called my wife on the phone and asked her if she wanted to come and join us for some food, she had to come and collect the kids from school later anyway. My wife and youngest daughter joined us which was really nice. It’s a nice walk to Ilminster, using the term as a figure of speech of course, it’s peaceful, has a bit of history and wildlife along the way and gives you a chance to think and talk if you are walking with someone. Not forgetting that you can have a drink at the end of the path. A bit more time and I may try to go to the pub and back to the bungalow. I can use the cycle path to get my fitness levels up and maybe lose a bit of circumference in the process.
Other than that it has been a normal and uneventful day. I now have just one more thing to do before I go to bed, to watch NCIS, (I love that programme!).
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