
“It’s not unusual to be loved by anyone, ta ta ta ta ta, it’s not unusual to….” being sung badly again by the four members of the “Happy Bus”. That’s right, today’s music was the legend that is Tom Jones. Heads bopping and bodies twisting, (less so for the two paraplegics in the back to be fair), the “Happy Bus” and it’s passengers made the journey to the Hotel car park at the slopes again. Half way though we had to stop as Ash needed to see if his boots had been put in to the vehicle, with the best will in the world the two of us in the back of the bus, although not through the lack of trying, just could not twist round to see in the cargo area behind our seats. Ash and Hannah got out and had a look while Ash said that he could not believe that he had asked two paralysed people to look in behind the seats which we had a giggle at. With it discovered that we had to go back for the boots which wouldn’t take long and meant some more bad singing, Hannah decided to knock some sense in to Ash by closing the back down before Ash was clear and smacked him on the head. A great start to the day, and what a day. More clear blue skies and frost on the ground, today would be another great day.

Today then I have progressed from having Ash holding the frame of the sitski or shadowing it to being tethered. This basically works as follows. I had to try to keep my balance and would be travelling in as straight a line as possible, when I was happy that I was stable I would tell Ash that I had it and he would let me go but he would have `reigns` in his hands which he could assist in steering me if I went a bit wrong. What this would not do though is stop me from falling over. When we reached the bottom or if there was a need, Ash can move forward to get hold of the grab rail and take control of the ski. What Ash also does at the back while tethered is to control the speed of the ski, this would be one of my goals today, to be able to ski in a straightish line and keep my balance while the other goal would be to try to keep in a straight line and maintain my balance on the ski lift `T-bar` which I would do with Kev.

It has been a hard day today. I never really appreciated how hard my arms,  shoulders and wrists would work while learning to get my balance and I am feeling it which is excellent really as it will be helping to build the muscle and will also make me use muscles that I need to use for transfers. Kev kindly took some video of my efforts today so I have more than just memories of the day and the learning to ski. As soon as I get back I will get some on here but the internet is not great here and I will undoubtedly have to ask Tony how to AGAIN as I am a bit, no totally rubbish the computer thingy. I have a feeling that I will be sleeping very well tonight again, I have been fortunate though in the fact that I have woken twice now before the alarm which means I can get the morning routine done before the rest of the guys are up. That’s all I’m going to write for today, the rest of my Blog entries will probably or possibly be short too but that may well be how it goes.

I did the final run today ending in true George style. I was doing really well, picking the route and talking myself through which Ash is happy with as he knows where I am going and what I am doing. I had a bit of a wiggle which I held and then a couple of almost turns which I tried to control but overcompensated, still upright though and then I knew it was all over. Ash had let go as there is no point in two people piling in but still I was going, left, right, left and then I knew it was that time. One 360 degree turn outside of the cafe and I simply had a lie down. It was, I thought, extremely controlled. It was apparently not too bad but was still a crash. Ash and Kev helped me up once more and Ash took control of my ski and took us all back to the hotel where I got in to my chair and we packed up for the day.

I have had an amazing day on the ski again, I am really looking forward to tomorrow where I will be doing more of the same but with some wiggles thrown in I believe. Now though it is nearly tea time so I will simply say that if you have not already, go on to FaceBook and look up Battle Back. You will see pictures of me on there and the others of us skiing. For now though it is time for me to go.

Good evening all.


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